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- Flour Milling Mesh
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Flour Milling Mesh

Through our supplier Sefar,  Filter Pure Mesh is able to supply high-capacity precision Milling Mesh. Our product is used extensively in the Milling Industry, as our Mesh is known for its accuracy, open area and longevity.

The Milling range of Mesh as supplied by Filter Pure Mesh is traditionally known as GG (Grite Gauze), XXX (Triple Extra Heavy Quality) and MF (Milling Forte). These qualities are available in PA (Polyamide) and PE (Polyester).  Filter Pure Mesh GG grade of Milling Mesh, is woven to provide coarser mesh opening for higher screening characteristics. Our XXX range is generally used for the sifting of abrasive and hard grains. Filter Pure Mesh MF quality mesh is used for medium hard wheat and is used in High Capacity Sifters. We Supply Roll Goods in Nylon, Polyester and Polypropylene.

Our Mesh offers high tension and flexibility for excellent stretching and good open areas. If it is quality Mesh you are looking for, then Filter Pure Mesh is your solution. With our Mesh offering great open area, blinding is reduced, thereby ensuring that you get increased life and more production.


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